Annual General Meeting
Event information
The AGM in accordance with the Club's constitution is required to be held annually for the following purposes:
1. Receiving the President's and Treasurer's report for the 2023 year.
2. To elect committee members for the 2024 year.
3. To elect delegates to represent the Club at the TTSA AGM.
4. To elect Child Safeguarding Officer and TTSA Match Committee Delegate.
5. The meeting may elect a Patron.
6. To deal with notices of motion to alter the Club's constitution.
7. To consider motions for Life Membership brought before the meeting.
8. To discuss and deal with any general business items as per the AGM Agenda.
9. To make any by-laws necessary for the proper administration of the Club.
Members eligble to vote at the AGM are:
1. Life Members
2. Ordinary Members
An ordinary Member is a person who has attained the age of eighteen at the date of registration in the current year and competes in internal competition of the Club or represents the Club in matches and tournaments organised by Table Tennis South
Ordinary members are entitled to one vote at any General Meeting of the Club at which they are present.
Social Members are not entitled to vote at the AGM.