Monday Night
The Monday Night Competition is aimed for players of the TTSA Winter Pennant Competition Division 3 and lower. It is different to the Tuesday Night Compeitition in that there are no set teams.
We also encourage Club juniors to participate in the Monday Night competition.
The competition is designed to be very flexible:
1. Juniors will either play in teams of 3 or in a round robin group playing the best of 3 games. This ensures that it is not a late night for the juniors.
2. More advanced players will play team matches the best of 5 games.
3. We would like players to come every week but there is no requirement to come every week.
4. Given that we cannot be certain who is coming each week we ask that players arrive prior to 7:30 pm so that we have time to orgainise players either
in to teams or round robin groups.
The cost of playing competition on a Monday Night is $3 for members and $5 for non-members.
So far we have had in excess of 100 players participte in at least one week of competition.
The following link details all the players who have participated: INDIVIDUAL RESULTS