Tuesday Summer
Tuesday night is a premier team based competition sponsored by MAXTREK Tyres, $700, $300 and $100 cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams respectively after playoff round and $100 for each top player in positions 1 to 4.
Upfront fees include $30 for Adelaide Table Tennis Club members and $50 for non-members for the 2024 season and are due 6th of February 2024 (2nd round). Payment can be made via cash or bank transfer to Adelaide Table Tennis Club with BSB: 105 131 and Account number 061 482 840.
If paying via bank transfer, please put in description to us "<full name> Summer".
If unable to attend a round, please advise Jordan Hua, Stephen Chan or Alan Herman on 0433 677 671, 0427 015 828, and 0431 987 339 respectively before 6pm Tuesday Night.
For the competition team and individual results, see Competition Results.